
Spiritual, Inspirational Books & Music by Apostle Calvin Woods

Divine Seal Breakers

This timely revelation has been marinating in my spirit for almost twenty five years waiting for a time to share it with you. I finally perceived an inward witness and release to get this into the hands of every believer.

Divine Seal Breakers is about the role/function of specific individuals set by God, given by Jesus, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. It is about the authority to unveil something hidden in scripture to the church. It is recognizing and receiving from them and their extreme importance in the unveiling process. It's not adding or subtracting from the scripture or should I say "writing new revelation". The writing of scripture has been completed. It is bringing illumination of these specific truths by the Holy Spirit with power to and through the church.

It is the Holy Spirit authorizing these individuals by shining light on truths in scripture in a restorative way with divine evidence because things tend to get lost over time and need special emphasis from one generation to the next as part of the restitution of all things in Christ.

I pray you enjoy and grow to great heights spiritually as you consume the insights on these pages.


Is there a parallel dimension where there are spiritual entities aiming at influencing your voice?

Why is your voice so important? What if I told you, you can discern the motive behind utterances? In the most influential manuscript inspired of God are these words “life and death are in the power of the tongue.”

In Acts 16:16-24, the apostle Paul and Silas encounter a young girl possessed by a spirit of divination. She kept following them saying, “These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation” v17. At first it seems the spirit goes undetected, appearing to be in league with them. Days later, the apostle Paul was grieved and cast out the spirit. The girl said everything right, but there was an evil spirit behind it. Deception is increasing.

This book will broaden your understanding regarding utterances.

We will explore:
  • The power of utterances
  • How to distinguish the influence behind them
  • How God gave us the ability to rule in our world under His dominion
  • Why there is a fight between light and darkness for your (words) or utterances
  • How God ultimately wins. Who wins in your life is determined by your own utterance…and much more!

Apostles of Worship and Worship Movements

One early morning during my prayer time, I picked up my guitar and started to sing spontaneously to the Lord. The more I sang, the more that the presence of God intensified and the song of the Lord arose within me. These words started to come up from my spirit into my thoughts and out from my lips, “I’ll sing your new songs for eternity.” I realized that the Lord was giving me a glimpse into my destiny. I would be ministering unto Him in the new song of the Lord for eternity and it begins NOW on earth.

Soon after that I felt a heavy conviction that He wanted me to father a worship movement. This really humbled me. I felt very insignificant and unqualified. But then, it was simple: it’s His grace and ability, not mine. God has been revealing more about this call and how many others are stepping into it. In these pages explore with me as I go deeper in the revelation of Apostles of Worship and Worship Movements, which is increasing as the coming of the Lord draws near.

Behold the Lamb CD

Awake In Your Likeness CD

1.) We Cast Down Our Crowns
2.) Behold the Lamb
3.) All We Want Is You
4.) There Is Liberty
5.) Cover Me
6.) God of gods
7.) Our King
8.) Revive My Heart With Yours
9.) Already Done
10.) Glory and Honor
11.) Not Unto Us Oh Lord
12.) Live and Move

*All songs were written exclusively by Calvin Woods except for Behold the Lamb which was written by both Calvin Woods and Linnea Martens.
1.) Awake in Your likeness
2.) Worthy is the Lamb
3.) We enthrone You
4.) Praise Him
5.) I Am
6.) This is my mountain

All songs written by Calvin Woods.

Highest Praise MP3 Album

No Other God (MP3 Single)

1.) Highest Praise
2.) Busted Out
3.) Free Indeed
4.) Giving You All
5.) Only One
6.) All the Angels
7.) How Excellent
8.) You Alone Are Great
9.) Praise Him When